Doodle art definition
Doodle art definition

doodle art definition doodle art definition

Tracey Trussell is a graphologist with an interest in doodling analysis. I decided to interview her and two other doodling experts. Williams leads a meditative doodling class for adults, though. Teachers used to scold me for doodles on papers, and my own kids got grades docked for sketches in the margins. I’ve always assumed doodling was a minor order bad habit, like putting your feet on the furniture. They love it and it helps them focus, even on Zoom,” Williams said. “Just let the students doodle for 2 minutes first. I told the education director, LeeAnn Williams, about their difficulty staying engaged.

doodle art definition

This summer I facilitated a virtual journaling workshop with young students at my Unitarian church. And it doesn’t give us the movement or touch we crave. Even so, screen time can still be draining. For many, the new normal includes a lot of virtual meetings.

Doodle art definition